Upcoming Events

Where can you see the band perform? Check out our upcoming events below!

NorCal Celtic Festival

Woodland, California
Saturday, April 26, 2025 9:00am to Sunday, April 27 5:30pm

The NorCal Celtic gathering is held on Main Street in Woodland, California. This year the festival will be on two days, Saturday through Sunday, April 26-27.

Redding Rodeo Parade

Redding, California

Saturday, May 17, 2025. 10 AM

The Redding Rodeo has become a fixture of Northern California since its beginning in 1948. Jefferson Pipe Band participates in the Redding Rodeo Parade, held on Saturday morning.

Boatnik Parade

Grants Pass, Oregon

Saturday, May 24, 2025. 10 AM

Boatnik is an annual festival that has been held in Riverside Park in Grants Pass, Oregon over Memorial Day Weekend for more than 60 years. Saturday morning features the well-known Boatnik parade that travels through downtown Grants Pass and ends at Riverside Park.


Grant Pass, Oregon

June 14, 2025. 11AM - 3PM

Porchfest Events are annual music festivals held on front porches in small towns and large cities across the nation, bringing musicians and neighbors together to build community spirit.Porchfest Grants Pass supports the children of Josephine County.

Summer Concert in Ashland

Ashland, Oregon
Sat, Jun 21, 2025 7:00 PM

Adults - $30 | Children and Youth - $15

Our award-winning concert comes to the Rogue Valley for 2025. Please join us for a special evening of Celtic music and culture.

This project is supported in part by a grant from the Jackson County Cultural Coalition funded by the Oregon Cultural Trust, investing in Oregon’s Arts, Humanities and Heritage.

Tickets coming soon

Ashland Fourth of July Parade

Ashland, Oregon
Friday, July 4, 2025 - 10am to 11am

The Jefferson Pipe Band participates in the Ashland Fourth of July parade and is very much appreciated by the community. The parade traditionally begins at 10 am on Main Street, Ashland Oregon.

Caledonian Club Annual Games and Competition

Pleasanton, California
Sat, Aug 30th 9am - Sun, Aug 31st 5pm 2025

The Scottish Games, held during the Labor Day weekend in Pleasanton, California, are the longest running games in the western US. Held since 1866, this year marks the 159th annual gathering. The competitions include heavy athletics, highland dancing, piping and drumming, and sheepdog trials. Live entertainment includes Scottish folk musicians and Celtic rock bands, as well as Scottish country dancing, living history, birds of prey and Celtic animal exhibitions.

St. Patrick’s Day Performances

Medford, Oregon
Saturday, March 15, 2025

Grants Pass, Oregon
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Stay tuned for more details as to time and place of these performances.